Dr Rajiv Singh

MBBS, MD (Psychiatry), FRANZCP, Cert Adv Training in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Dr Rajiv Singh

Professional background

Dr Rajiv Singh, MBBS, MD (Psychiatry), FRANZCP, Cert Adv Training in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry is consultant psychiatrist at South Coast Private Hospital. Dr Singh is a fellow of the RANZCP and Life Fellow of the Indian Psychiatric Society.

Having trained in Medicine and Psychiatry initially in India and then in Melbourne, Australia. He obtained a Fellowship of the RANZCP in 2001, and formally obtained the Certificate of Advanced Training in C&A Psychiatry in 2002. He held a Conjoint Associate Professor in Psychiatry (UNSW) for several years with several research and academic publications under his belt. He is currently a Senior Staff Specialist - Child, Adolescent & Youth Mental Health Service (CAYMHS), ISLHD and is also the Clinical Director of CAYMHS, ISLHD. Worked across community, inpatient and consultation liaison settings in India, Australia and New Zealand. Dr Singh entered medical school with the intention of specialising in Psychiatry. He was fascinated with the way our minds work, particularly in the context of the family and larger social network.

He worked with young people and their families/networks within a relational psychiatry model. He has completed three-years of training in Open Dialogue; with a strong interest in Dialogic Practice. He also has experience in a number of therapies, including psychopharmacology, informed by attachment, family, cognitive, dialectic/dialogic and psychodynamic models of therapy. He undertakes a comprehensive assessment and then tailoring therapy to the unique needs of the individual. In his spare time, he enjoys listening to music, reading and taking long walks out in nature.

Please note that Dr Singh does not accept new referrals for ADHD assessments or provide medico-legal reports.

Areas of Interest

  • Adjustment Disorders
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Addictive Disorders
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Psychosis


  • English
  • Hindi


Yes, upon request

Client groups

  • Adults
  • Young Adults

Private Practice Contact Info

Hospital Admissions Contact Info

South Coast Private Hospital - Hospital Admissions - Mental Health

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