Mood and Anxiety Inpatient Program

About Mood and Anxiety Inpatient Program

This 12-session program is based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (or CBT) and is designed to teach you proven strategies for managing stress, looking after yourself, and tackling your problems to improve the way you feel. It will show you how to work with your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours so you can make a positive change and reduce the levels of stress in your life.

This program may be suitable for you if:

  • You've been feeling increasingly stressed, tense, or tired lately.
  • There are a few things on your plate at the moment and you’re not sure how you can keep juggling it all.
  • You seem to be stuck in the way you feel and would love to learn how to get out of this cycle.
  • The way you feel makes it hard for you to focus on your usual activities or relax at the end of the day.

Make an Enquiry

Program content

  • Understanding anxiety 
  • Understanding depression 
  • Challenging distorted thinking 
  • Anxiety management 
  • Managing thoughts through mindfulness 
  • Relapse prevention

What you will experience

Throughout this program you will participate in group sessions. The group will be led by a qualified allied health professional who will support group participants to share lived experiences, and to learn practical skills and evidence-based strategies for managing and reducing stress levels.

Treatment objectives

Objective 1

Understanding Stress and Active Coping - Learn about what keeps you feeling stressed, and develop strategies to increase your resources and decrease your demands.

Objective 2

Shifting Perceptions - Learn to challenge unhelpful thoughts and use helpful self-talk and self-soothing to get you through difficult situations.

Objective 3

Shifting Unhelpful Behaviours - Learn to use graded exposure to reduce unhelpful behaviours such as avoidance and rumination.

Objective 4

Relapse Prevention - Learn how to put together a personal plan to keep you staying well.


What's included



To develop or refine new skills and strategies.


To guide you through education, reflection and exercises designed to tackle your symptoms.

Action Plans

Step-by-step activities to help you put new skills into practice.

Extra Resources

Tools to help you overcome common challenges.

Progress Tracking

Questionnaires to help you monitor your symptoms and/or progress.

How to get started

Patients interested in attending this program will need a referral to a Psychiatrist with admission rights to South Coast Private Hospital. For information on this program please contact the South Coast Private Hospital Admissions Team T: 1800 250 000 E:

Submit a referral

Frequently Asked Questions

Who will find this program helpful?

This program is designed for patients with a primary mood disorder such as major depression, bipolar and anxiety disorders (eg. generalised anxiety phobias and obsessive compulsive disorder).

How much does it cost?

South Coast Private has contract arrangements and approved programs with majority of private health funds, however, there may be some out of pocket expenses based on your level of cover. Patients that do not have private health insurance need to contact us to obtain cost estimate for day programs attendance

Make an Enquiry

To enquire about this program please fill out our form.